
1971 Merc 20 hp ignition parts


New member
Can anyone tell me where I can

Can anyone tell me where I can find a condenser for 1971 20 h.p. merc Every where I have looked says they are discontinued. Maybe another one will work??????? Thank you
"Ronnie, something you may wan

"Ronnie, something you may want to look into. There is an Austrailian company called ATOM. They produce an electronic ignition replacement package which gets rid of the points/condensors on older motors.

I don't have a source for their parts right off, but believe a search for Atom Computer Ignition may find some results.

I installed one of their kits on a 59 Gale for a guy a few years back, still working without issue. Simply disconnected the feed from the points and condenser, spliced it into the two little (boxes), fastened them down and presto - worked great...

An option when OEM parts are no longer out there for single and two cylinder motors..."