
17 spline props not available


Contributing Member
I am having the toughest time

I am having the toughest time trying to find a prop for my boat... I am looking for a Stainless LH 17 spline that is 15x17 or equivalent... I have found props that need a hub insert but I can't find a hub that fits the bill either... Does anyone have a source for these??
"Great info!
I am he

"Great info!
I am headed out to the lake on Wed and I am going to see what RPM I am running at WOT... Here is a question:
If I am running 3600 rpm's at WOT with a 15x19 prop then I will probably be running 3800 (or so)with a 15x17 prop.... right??
Will that increase in rpm's = samilar top end speed and better holeshot?...
Sorry for the ignorance... I am trying to get that fixed...
"Oilguy, if you are running 36

"Oilguy, if you are running 3600 RPM at WOT on an AQ131D, then I think you have a serious problem. The WOT recommended RPM for your engine is 4800 so if you can only reach 3600 RPM your engine is heavily overloaded and you should go down in pitch quite a bit. A 2" decrease in propeller pitch will increase the engine speed by about 300-450 RPM, and a 1" of diameter absorbs the torque of 2-3" of pitch. So you can work the math."
That was a for instance.... I

That was a for instance.... I was not talking about actual... It has never really sounded out of control so I never paid it much attention... I don't think it has reached 4800 but I will be able to tell you more after a ski trip Wed.
My question is more this... If I reduce the pitch of the prop and increase the usable torque and RPM's of the engine >>> Will I be able to get out of the hole faster and be able to maintain close to the top speed that I am running now?
Meaning Less Prop Pitch + Higher RPM's = similar top speed with faster acceleration...

You have probably already answered my question but I may not be understanding it... if thats the case >> I apologize...

If you could... Please expand on the "1" of diameter absorbs the torque of 2-3" of pitch"... I am not following that.... I know it is probably similar to tire size vs. differential gear ratio... but I would need help with that also.


If you lower your


If you lower your propeller pitch, you will get a faster hole shot; and lower top end speed at the same RPM.

Regarding your last question, a propeller with say 15" diameter will cavitate less than a prop with 14" diameter with the same pitch, therefore the thrust will be larger with the 15" propeller."
OK... That answers it for me..

OK... That answers it for me...
I was thinking that lowering the pitch meant lower the performance but it can be just the opposite it seems...
Thanks for sticking with me... I live close to Texas A&M and I think it sometimes rubs off on me... LOL
