
What engine do I have


T Wilkes

Hello I just got an old centru

Hello I just got an old centruy boat and it has a Chrysler in it the tag says it is a LM/318 type is BWR10/36 6 and serial# is E029220 I would like to know the size engine and where I can find out more about it such as where to buy parts(fuel filter)

That engine is commonly


That engine is commonly refered to as an LM318.

It is 318 cubic inch displacement.

BWR10/36 6
  • B is 4 BBL. carb
  • W is Warner Gear
  • R is Right hand prop rotation
  • 10 is 1:1 straight drive
  • 36 6 is engineering spec number
Serial number E029220 would make it 1969.

We sell manuals for it here, second one from the top of the list.

We sell some parts for it here.

Fuel/water seperators filters are at the bottom of this page."