
How to install impeller in 88 30


New member
I am having a problem with my

I am having a problem with my boat overheating and i was wondering if any one had a idea how to change the impeller
"Mark, The impeller is located

"Mark, The impeller is located in the outdrive. It sounds like you should purchase a manual, since the procedure is not too difficult, but is too lenghty to post here."
I can give you instuct

I can give you instuctions. Its pretty easy but a little time comsuming.

Step 1: Seperate the outdrive by removing the retaining nuts around the center.

Step 2: Support the lower half as it splits off the upper half and set it down.

Step 3: Remove the housing at the end of the main gear shaft. This is the water pump housing.

Step 4: Remove the water impellar and lower half of the housing.

Step 5: Chaing all rubber seals and gaskets as you put it back together.

Step 6: To reinstall the impellar you must lock the lower end in gear and spin the prop. As you spin the prop, the gear shaft will spin. While it is spinning, slowly lower the upper housing onto the impellar and you will notice the fins starting to arch the way they need to.

Note: I always put some good 3 and 1 oil on the impellar before I install it. It helps alot.

Any issues email me at [email protected]

Like I said its pretty easy but a little time consuming.