Sierra Marine Parts Catalog
534 18-3726 PROP NUT Replaces: 90171-18M04 For: All V-4 & V-6 (Except D150) 18-3732 PROP NUT Replaces: 90171-16011-00 95307-16900-00 Fits: Yamaha 20-30 hp(1980 & Up) 18-3773 PROP NUT Replaces: 90171-10M01 Fits: 6(1986-00), 8(1986-09), 9.9(1984-09), 15(1984-09), F6(2001-08), F8(2001-12), F9.9(1985-12), F15(1998-13), F20(2006-13) 18-3709 PROP NUT Replaces: 647-45616-02 Fits: 4(1984-91), 5(1984-85) ➀ Items ending in “D” are Display Packaged - Regular number is Non-Display ➁ This product is priced per piece. To order price per package, please add -9 to the part number. ➀ 18-3782D ➀ 18-3781D 18-3781 PROP NUT KIT Replaces: 6H1-W4599-00-00 For: T50, C60, E60, P60, 70, C75, C80, C85, 90 — CONTAINS — Part # O.E. # Desc. 18-3732 90171-16011-00 Prop Nut 18-4274 688-45997-01 Spacer 18-2380 91490-30030 Cotter Pin 18-3782 PROP NUT KIT Replaces: 6G5-W4599-00-00 — CONTAINS — Part # O.E. # Desc. 18-3726 90171-18M04 Prop Nut 18-4274 688-45997-01 Spacer 18-3735 91490-40030 Cotter Pin ALL V-4 & V-6 (Except D150) 2(6A1) 1984-95 — — 18-3748 — 4(6E0) 1984-90 — — 18-3748 — 4(6E0) 1991 — — 18-2380 — 5 1984-85 — — 18-3748 — 9.9(6GB) 1984-85 — — 18-3748 — 20 1996-97 18-3792 18-3791 18-2380 18-3771 25(6H7)(6L2) 1984-09 18-3792 18-3791 18-2380 18-3771 C25(695) 1991-97 18-3792 18-3791 18-2380 18-3771 CV25 1990 18-3792 18-3791 18-2380 18-3771 F25 1998-05, 2009-10 18-3792 18-3791 18-2380 18-3771 30(689)(6J8) 1984-02 18-3792 18-3791 18-2380 18-3771 C30(689)(61T) 1991-97 18-3792 18-3791 18-2380 18-3771 CV30 1990 18-3792 18-3791 18-2380 18-3771 40(6H4)(63B,C,D) 1984-05 18-3732 — 18-2380 — C40(6R6) 1990-03 18-3732 — 18-2380/1 8-3748 — 50(6H5)(62X) 1984-09 18-3732 — 18-2380/1 8-3748 — PRO50(6H5)(62X) 1987-90 18-3732 — 18-2380 — T50 2001-10 18-3732 18-3789 18-3735 18-3772 C55(697) 1991-95 18-3732 — 18-3735 — 60 2004-05 18-3732 18-3789 18-3735 18-3772 P60(6H2) 1991-99 18-3732 18-4274 18-3735 18-3781 T60 2003-10 18-3732 18-3789 18-3735 18-3772 70(6H3) 1984-03 18-3732 18-4274 18-3735 18-3781 70 2004-09 18-3732 18-3789 18-3735 18-3772 F70 2010 18-3732 18-3789 18-3735 18-3772 C75(692) 1994-99 18-3732 18-4274 18-3735 18-3781 F75 2003-10 18-3732 18-3789 18-3735 18-3772 F80 1999-03 18-3732 18-3789 18-3735 18-3772 C85(688) 1991-96 18-3732 18-4274 18-3735 18-3781 90(6H1) 1984-03 18-3732 18-4274 18-3735 18-3781 90 2004-09 18-3732 18-3789 18-3735 18-3772 F90 2003-10 18-3732 18-3789 18-3735 18-3772 F100 1999-03 18-3732 18-3789 18-3735 18-3772 115(6E5)(6N6) 1984-09 18-3726 18-4274 18-3735 18-3782 C115(6E5) 1991-00 18-3726 18-4274 18-3735 18-3782 P115(62A) 1993-96 18-3726 18-4274 18-3735 18-3782 130(6L1)(6N7) 1988-04 18-3726 18-4274 18-3735 18-3782 L130(6L6)(6N4) 1989-01 18-3726 18-4274 18-3735 18-3782 150(6G4)(6R2) 1984-09 18-3726 18-4274 18-3735 18-3782 PRO V 150, (6J9)(6N9) 1986-90 18-3726 18-4274 18-3735 18-3782 P150(6N9) 1991-99 18-3726 18-4274 18-3735 18-3782 L150(6RO) 1986-99 18-3726 18-4274 18-3735 18-3782 175(6G5)(6R3) 1984-00 18-3726 18-4274 18-3735 18-3782 P175(62H) 1994-99 18-3726 18-4274 18-3735 18-3782 200(6G6)(6R4) 1984-95 18-3726 18-4274 18-3735 18-3782 L200(6K1)(6R1) 1987-99 18-3726 18-4274 18-3735 18-3782 P200(61H) 1991-99 18-3726 18-4274 18-3735 18-3782 225(6R5)(62J) 1990-97 18-3726 18-4274 18-3735 18-3782 L225(62K) 1994-99 18-3726 18-4274 18-3735 18-3782 250(61A) 1990-95 18-3726 18-4274 18-3735 18-3782 L250(61B) 1990-99 18-3726 18-4274 18-3735 18-3782 V6 SPECIAL(6G7) 1984-86 18-3726 18-4274 18-3735 18-3782 V6 EXCEL(6K7) 1987-89 18-3726 18-4274 18-3735 18-3782 HP/Model Years Nut # Spacer # Cotter Pin # Kit # OUTBOARD —YAMAHA - Drive System 18-3771 PROP NUT KIT Replaces: 689-W4599-00 — CONTAINS — Part # O.E. # Desc. 18-3791 689-45997-00 Spacer 18-3792 90171-14013-00 Prop Nut 18-2380 91490-30030-00 Cotter Pin 18-3791 SPACER Replaces: 689-45997-00 18-3792 PROP NUT Replaces: 90171-14013-00, 90171-14056-00 18-73892 PROP NUT Replaces: 6L5-45616-00-00 Fits: Yamaha 2.5-6(1988 & Up) 18-79989 TRAILERING STICKS Fits: Most outboards over 150hp with three ram intrigrel tilt/trim. 18-73994 PROP NUT KIT Fits: Yamaha F2.5/F4(2001 & Up), F6(2006 & Up) 18-73907 PROP NUT Replaces: 90171-14056-00 Fits: Yamaha 20-30 HP (1980 & up)