
power steering fitting


I have recently removed the cable steering and fitted hydraulic steering to my Conway 26FT cruiser fitted with twin 130c's to 270 outdrives.
Well impressed , no more 1/2 steering wheel play.
Next mod I fancy is fitting power steering !!!!!!!!!!!
Can you tell me what is required in the way of parts, and whether or not it is a feasable project.
I am quite handy with the spanners and welding (was a forklift truck engineer and also raced powerboats in my youth) .
My suggestion would be to stay with the Hydraulic Steering. These are great systems, particularly if you installed the "balanced" system (cylinder stem exits both ends of the hydraulic cylinder).

There should be little need for Power Assist steering if everything is adjusted correctly as to eliminate prop torque.
Power Assist steering just gives you two additional maintenance item as well ..... (pump and slave valve).
I wouldn't do it!

NOTE: Either Power Assist or Hydraulic steering can "mask" prop torque by giving us the "No Feedback".
We are better off if we still make an attempt to properly set the trim fin/torque tabs to offset as much as possible.

While we may not feel this at the helm wheel, the drive steering components DO! This can cause premature wear!
Ditto. Power steering is a luxury and a potential complication which is unnecessary on many boats. But hydraulic steering is a great upgrade from cable.
Thankyou for your comments, the only reason for asking the question is : here in the UK on the River Avon in Worcestershire there is a speed limit of 4mph upstream and 6 mph downstream, so obviously I never get the boat up on the plane, and steering is a bit difficult to turn the wheel (I have in the last 18 months had both shoulder joints replaced, which does not help).
I just thought that PS would help.
Any way I will bow to your experience and knowledge and stick with what I have fitted.
Kind regards,
I believe that something is wrong..... these drives should turn easily and smoothly!
If you install Power Assist Steering, you will be masking a greater problem and concern!
You simply DO NOT want to mask a larger issue that will cause a failure later on!

I say find out what is causing this, and then see if you still feel the need for PS.
I'd do this even if you have already decided in favor of PS.

You may also try a larger diameter Helm Wheel.
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