
Mercruiser carrier bearing removal tool


I bought this tool to remove the carrier bearing, it keeps slipping from the edge of the carrier bearing when I apply force. Its not a cheap off shore tool, it’s made in the USA. Has anyone else had this problem?
I bought this tool to remove the carrier bearing, it keeps slipping from the edge of the carrier bearing when I apply force. Its not a cheap off shore tool, it’s made in the USA. Has anyone else had this problem?View attachment 34180View attachment 34180
try moving the arms to the lower pivot points , you will have to hold the tops in to force the bottoms out to stay on it as you pull.

I also used a bit of heat on the outside of the housing to help. I think the heat helped more than the puller as AL expands with heat. Soak with good penetrating oil like Kroil
I tried to move the arms to the lower pivot points but it won’t clear the propeller shaft then, I tried to hold the arms outward while screwing the bolt down but kept slipping off. I fiddled with this thing for about an hour with no success.
Your bearing carrier should have 2 placed to grip along the inner portion (as in surrounding the prop shaft portion).
Turn the arms around & pull along there. If you pull the outer ring it will crack if there is any corrosion down inside where the oring sits.
You don't say which version of the outdrive you are working on....if its an "early" model (older), do as Droid suggests....if its "later" (newer), then stick with the outer ring. (no, the factory service manual doesn't define the break point.)

Either way, a torch will help to free up the carrier...
You should have a thrust washer that was behind the Propeller. You need to slide that between the jaws at or near the tightest point of the jaws Or some kind of thick large washer/tube made of steel (the threaded rod will go thru the thrust washer to prop shaft) I have tried to show it in the image as a BLUE Washer, This will require some handling to keep it in poisition but it keeps the jaws spread apart to keep them on the carrier. I also have included an image showing where the jaw tips must be so to minimize any possible damage to carrier.

Jaws go to the short webbing part of carrier where red circles are drawn.
Note, Using the two jaw puller can and will break the carrier depending on how badly/how long it has been in place. USE CAUTION

There are very good carrier pullers available online if you do some research. They work flawlessly with no
damage potential.
This is the best design for pulling prop shaft carriers. These work flawlessly. A bit pricey but worth every penny.
Carrier puller.JPG
Decided to look a bit closer at the Manual and the tool arms are placed differently depending on if its an earlier drive or later one

Alpha 1 carrier.jpg
Thanks for your suggestions, I tried each way, but it wound up breaking so I drilled out the outer ring then it was able to be removed.
Too late now, but it broke where?
What "outer ring" did you drill? The spanner nut, it should have been removed prior.