
Lets try this again

James in Canada

Regular Contributor
Hey everyone! My E115TLCIM is having a bit of an issue.
It starts easily, idles in neutral about 900 rpm, idles in
gear about 750 rpm. Sounds like it occasionally stumbles
a bit. Not a sneeze or a backfire, more like soft "pummmp"
sound. This misfire continues and gets more pronounced
as you advance the throttle under load. As the engine reaches
the speed to get the boat up on plane, the stumble disappears
and the engine runs smoothly. WOT is 5800 rpm and pushes
the boat (17 foot bowrider) to 60 kph.
As you come back off plane, the stumble returns.

What could be the cause of this stumble?

Thank you everyone for your expert help!
Sounds like your timer base is sticking and not advancing the spark properly.


Thank you for your reply.

I would have thought that too but I have confirmed the timer base moves smoothly with no sticking.
I've also discounted that the timer base wiring is fatigued by pushing/pulling on the wiring where it
bends most. No change in the tone of the engine was noted. Timer base resistance readings match
with what was expected.
Timing stops were set at 4 degrees for idle and 24 degrees wot (using Joe Reeves method).
No one has any other ideas to help my engine feel better?
It wants to run, it really does!
It's always eager to start and loves to run fast... it just
has a little trouble going slower. It doesn't like cruising
in the no wake zone in the river.
Show my engine some love...
So over the next couple of days, I would like to try and rule out some things as the cause
of this problem. I have already ruled out the stator as I replaced it due to melted charging
circuit and the problem was present before and after the change.

The engine is in my barrel so I cant really test under load much more than idle but
any suggestions of what and how to test are welcome.