
J90MLCNB water pump problems


New member
The water pump was replaced over the winter and when I put the boat in the water this year water is coming out the top of the lower unit. There is water coming out of the port at the base of thr power head like it is supposed to but also up into the power head compartment. What went wrong?
Without seeing a picture or the motor in action , my guess is that the gasket between the powerhead and exhaust housing is leaking .--Or the 2 gaskets on the exhaust cover between cylinders are leaking.---------Pictures required here.
Thanks for the help. I did find a broken hose clamp going into ona of the heads so thay explains water in ethe engine compartment. I have water coming out of the three holes above the propeller. Is that normal? Andthere is water coming out around the lower pivot. I have attached some pictures but I am not sure if that helps. Thanks again. Boat 001.JPGBoat 002.JPGBoat 003.JPGBoat 004.JPGBoat 005.JPGBoat 006.JPG