
F15 SEHA bogs down and stalls


New member
Have a '21 F15 that seems to stall out when revving. I cleaned the carb numerous times. Change fuel bulbs, tanks fresh fuel.
Fuel strainer seems to always have fuel in it. Starts immediately.

Could it be a fuel pump?
More than likely the carburetor has not yet been cleaned. Clean as in the configuration that is was in when it came from the factory.

On some of the carburetors on very small motors it can be all but impossible to get stuff out from inside. Stuff goes in as a liquid. Converts to a solid. Hard to get it back out.
More than likely the carburetor has not yet been cleaned. Clean as in the configuration that is was in when it came from the factory.

On some of the carburetors on very small motors it can be all but impossible to get stuff out from inside. Stuff goes in as a liquid. Converts to a solid. Hard to get it back out.
Understood. It's unfortunate as I've cleaned it now numerous times and don't see anything but i get what you are saying. Would you suggest getting a sonic parts cleaner and trying that or just bite the bullet and buy a new carb. Close to $800 from what I'm seeing!
Have to agree.-----These carburetors have very small holes that plug with the fuel of today.----Always run fuel out when motor is not in use.-----An empty carburetor stays clean.-----I can not imagine paying or wanting to pay for a new carburetor.----Clean it.