
Engine swap

"Good Day All!!!

Lost an e

"Good Day All!!!

Lost an engine this last weekend so have to go major replacement. I have twin 4.3 crusaders and am thinking about upgrading to the 350's. Can anyone give me any info what would have to be changed to do the upgrade? ie. are the motor mounts the same, fuel system work and what about the trans will it work? What will I have to do and would it do me any good to upgrade.

Thanks.... Barry"
"The mounts should be the same

"The mounts should be the same, the fuel system should be adequate (if 3/8" ID), and the gear will bolt on.

At first pass, you need room for the 'extra cyclinder' on each side, need to ensure adequate inlet air area exists, and you may want to change the gear's ratio. You'll probably need to repitch the props, too. If you boat was offered with the V-8's should be no problem.

Don't know what they would be pushing so can't comment on benefits/pitfalls."