
A cure for bogging Mercs


Gold Medal Contributor
I see this complaint all the time: "My motor runs great at idle, but when I crack the throttle the ~@)#*^% falls flat on its face." Familiar? The usual fix is to open the idle jet adjustment a 1/4 turn CCW, but there's a better way. To wit:

Warm the motor on the trailer (as I did an hour ago) or with the boat tied to the dock. Put her in gear and set the throttle at the point just BEFORE where the carb(s) start to open.

Next, using a wire or string (or you finger if possible) gently open the carb (s). If the motor picks right up you may be okay, but play with it anyway. Turn each idle screw IN and OUT until you find the spot rich enough so the carb(s) open right up without a bog; and do each carb individually.

Gone will be any trace of a bog.
