
Move temp switch and sender on thermostat.


New member
I recently had to replace my thermostat housing, went from design 2 to design 1 because of availability. The original design 2 housing had the temp sender on the port side and the temp sender directly opposite on the starboard side. The current design 1 housing I installed moved the temp switch at at a 45 degree angle and it interferes with the intake manifold, so I plugged it for now. I'm not going out since it's the end of the season, just testing stuff and not worried about the temp alarm

So, I'm left wondering where I should put the two sensors. I was thinking of putting the temp switch on the starboard side so it has good water flow, and possibly putting the temp sender in intake manifold crossover port? There is currently a heater hose there, which I will be removing since the heater is toast.

However, that would require a 1/2" to 3/8" adapter, but I'm worried about there being an air pocket and the temp sender then being less accurate since the sender would be almost vertical instead of horizontal in the thermostat housing.

Any suggestions?

That picture sucks...
Take a better one...and repost.
They make a 1/2 npt sending unit....thats what is in my boat.
In intake...
I recently had to replace my thermostat housing, went from design 2 to design 1 because of availability.
I'm not going out since it's the end of the season,

Ayuh,.... Hunt down the Right t-stat housin', or yer in for more troubles than ya got now,....

It's the end of the season,... ya got time,....
I have a 2003 Seasport Voyager with twin KAD 44 EDC. I can shoot the thermostat housing with a temp gun 175 on my gauge 195 and sometimes higher why is this?