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  1. R

    Stiff Steering

    "I have a 1995 3.0 Mercruiser "I have a 1995 3.0 Mercruiser LX inboard engine. I currently have stiff steering and while under load in certain situations it becomes difficult to turn. I read the manual and it said to grease through a zirc fitting if possible and if not to lubricate with...
  2. R

    Rough Idle Mercruiser 30

    "I have posted on here before "I have posted on here before and I would like to thank you guys for your help. I have a 1995 3.0 mercruiser alpha one lx and it has a rough idle. It runs fine but when at idle it is just a little rough. I first took it out after I bought it( it was the first...
  3. R

    Trimlimit sender question

    "Sorry guys, I am new with inb "Sorry guys, I am new with inboard as this maybe a stupid question. I have a 1995 mercruiser 3.0lx alpha one and I believe I am having an issue with the trim limit sender. I found the two cables where the click together......Do I just disconnect those and wire...