
Search results

  1. M

    Fuel pump bolts

    Thanks for your help. I did find 10-24 by 1.5" that worked. True confession, my neighbor found a can that all my old boat bolts were in. So I took out the new bolts and put the originals in. Two things I have learned. 1. Take the time to label where I put stuff. 2. Be grateful for good...
  2. M

    Fuel pump bolts

    I have a 1974 Mercury 115 horse two stroke outboard . I have recently took to the power head off to replace some gaskets. Upon putting the fuel pump back on I realized that I had misplaced the three bolts the secure the pump housing. I have been trying to use machine bolts (#10-24 flathead 2"...
  3. M

    Trouble shooting hydraulic tilt trim issue

    I have been restoring a boat over the last few years. I replaced the stringers and transom. I am now getting the hydraulic tilt trim back on a 115 horse Mercury outboard. It is a mid 70's mercury. I hooked everything back up from my feeble memory and I can not get the hydraulic motor to work. I...