
Search results

  1. makomark

    2001 Volvo Penta 5.7L GSIPEFS idles fine but higher RPMs it’s sluggish

    I don't have the specifics for your engine...that said, most GM products in that time frame with an MEFI-4 controller will want to see at least 41 PSI across the RPM band, with the engine under load...
  2. makomark

    2001 Volvo Penta 5.7L GSIPEFS idles fine but higher RPMs it’s sluggish

    Check the fuel pressure with the boat operating in the condition when the engine has the problem...
  3. makomark

    Considering replacing 9.9 hp gas with electric, I welcome anyone's input on the prospect of doing this

    Glendening makes remote control systems that will handle small and large outboards....but the entry-level parts will cost you more than a new outboard of similar size....
  4. makomark

    Fix - Mercruiser 5.0 - 260hp - Acceleration drops when reaching 1100rpm

    I'd say you need to ask the new technician if the ECM is really bad or does it just have an update to its software....and then decide. If your ECM is bad, there are several shops that can fix it...and they should also be able to provide you the software update(s) as well. The only other...
  5. makomark

    Mercruiser sea water pump weeping

    If you replaced the entire pump with a new assembly, I'd say the new assembly is defective...was it an OEM pump or an "economical aftermarket alternative"?
  6. makomark

    Dipstick tube replacement

    Use the link up at the top of this page - Boat Engine Parts - click it and select Mercruiser. Enter your serial number and scroll down to the appropriate breakdown (the one showing the oil pan, typically)and go from there
  7. makomark

    Replacing gages on CG 41' utility boat with twin 6-71

    you can get your existing gauges rebuilt but it isn't cheap...getting new modern electric ones with the matching sending units is probably the fastest approach but that implies adding some wiring. The choices are pretty wide ranging and likely driven by your budget and electro-mechancial...
  8. makomark

    Remote idle adjustor

    An EFI retrofit would take care of that and the A:F ratio changes....but I wouldn't call that solution cost effective.... If you are just worried about the idle speed, I'd just keep using the screwdriver when you go up to the lake...
  9. makomark

    Gray marine engine Identificatiom

    You can get most of what is available, for your engine, from Van Ness Engineering...just use your favorite web browser...
  10. makomark

    Question. Suzuki Trim gauge on a Merc

    The fuel gauge care about the sender unit, in the tank, being matched to its expected inputs....most american hull makers have used the american standard for the past few decades but not all. "EMPTY" will show when the sender provided 240 ohms, "FULL" will show when the sender provided 33 ohms...
  11. makomark

    Fix - Mercruiser 5.0 - 260hp - Acceleration drops when reaching 1100rpm

    Looks like the oil pressure gauge to me...haven't seen fuel pressure mentioned for a while... The newer ECUs monitor the oil pressure but using a separate, independent path...if the engine's actual oil pressure is "fluctating", and it dips below the ECU's trigger point, then what you're...
  12. makomark

    Stringers decaying: 1985 Bertram 28 FlyBridge Cruiser: Repair or Sell?

    The original Bertrams were overbuilt...the younger they are, the less likely this could be. Best bet would be to hire an independent marine surveyor and get their written opinion...use the SAMS www search page https://www.marinesurvey.org/ Don't expect to recoup any 'investment' in a boat...
  13. makomark

    Question. Suzuki Trim gauge on a Merc

    On Q#1, not enough detail to answer, assuming it was a question. On Q#2, If the gauges have different ohm value requirements for the senders driving them, the best approach is to replace either part with a matching unit. There is no standard adapter for that job as their are multiple options...
  14. makomark

    Coolant Flush

    It would require much more effort but I'd be inclined to use muriatic acid to free up with rust in the water jacket....Leaving the passages open to the air only accelerated what you have found... If you go the citric acid route, I'd expect several flush cycles before you see any...
  15. makomark

    302 Pops and trys to die at top end ( was "newly overhauled 302 won't start".)

    I'd be inclined to eliminate the water intrusion while the drive is off...
  16. makomark

    350 Marine Power Engines Oil Sheen From Exhaust

    I think I'd be inclined to pressure test the engine oil cooler with no other data...
  17. makomark

    1978 Vintage Mercruiser 470 Vapor Lock

    The thicker gasket can only help...it surely wont hurt anything...the concern is the vertical clearance that currently exists being adequate to accommodate the thicker gasket... As far as the hot restart goes...there are two big lessons learned. 1) COOL DOWN the engine to the extent possible...
  18. makomark

    OMC should steering support bracket be sealed?

    I was thinking more like anodizing the plates...or hardcoating them at a minimum...
  19. makomark

    Mercruiser 120 lower unit

    Yes, the sleeve needs to come out to get the driver tool down to the lower bearing...
  20. makomark

    Mercruiser 120 lower unit

    the threaded sleeve...what we used to call the passive oil pump