
Trim Tab missing 176 135hp

I just noticed while measuring my prop that the trim tab is missing on my 76' 135hp johnny. Does that cause any real issues? I ask becuz it has a hydrofoil on it. I am also fighting a slow boat and cant imagine this would be the problem. The previous owner was a real dumb sh** and I'm finding things as I go.
Does anyone have one with the bolt they would sell me??? Its 4.50 diameter.
Re: Trim Tab missing

The purpose of the trim tab is to counter-act the torque of the prop. It helps prevent feedback to the steering. It won't hurt anything to run the engine without it. It won't cause a "slow boat".
Re: Trim Tab missing

The only thing it could hurt on your mtr when it is missing is your prop shaft seals or the prophub itself. There's a small hole in the tab that picks up water when under way and this water goes through some passages down into the exhaust area cooling the seals and prop hub. Get a new tab installed.
Re: Trim Tab missing

The only thing it could hurt on your mtr when it is missing is your prop shaft seals or the prophub itself. There's a small hole in the tab that picks up water when under way and this water goes through some passages down into the exhaust area cooling the seals and prop hub. Get a new tab installed.

Huh? Are we talking about the same trim tab?
Re: Trim Tab missing

I'm talking about the one at the very back of the mtr underneath the anti-ventalation plate. Most of the time when you take the g/c off on bigger mtr's you have to remove it to get at a bolt underneath it.
Re: Trim Tab missing

Well, we are talking about the same thing. I'm just not aware of any hole in it that picks up water. Not trying to be argumentative ;-)