
Steering Linkage holes 1990 Johnson 150?


On the tiller arm there are two threaded holes to attach the steering linkage. The linkage is currently in the hole closest to the motor. I have a bit of play, even after replacing the streering box and cable with a No Feed Back system. Any ideas if moving the linkage out to the furthest hole on the tiller, might eliminate some of the play? Any reason not to?

Thanks in advance.

The outer hole is intended for a tie-bar when dual engine installation.
Moving out, might result in slightly less turn angle of engine, when turning port (engine tiller arm to stb).
On the positive side, slightly less steering force.
The only other thing I noticed is there does not seem to be a bushing in the port end of the steering tube nut (the nut that the ram passes through). If there is supposed to be a nylon bushing or something simmilar on the inside of the nut to tightly support the ram, it is missing and permitting the ram to slop around a little.

Oh, the joys of boat ownership!