
Mericruiser 228 5L Rochester Quadrajet


New member
Hello everyone,
I've disassembled a Rochester Quadrajet because the flaps weren't moving smoothly anymore. Now that I've reassembled it, I've unfortunately noticed that the float needle isn't properly adjusted and the carburetor is overflowing. Now I have a few questions regarding the basic setup of the carburetor before I reassemble it.
  1. The first question is where to find the baseline settings. I have become a datasheet with the repair kit, such as this one: [link to datasheet]. The boat is a ChrisCraft Scorpio with a Mericruiser 228 5L GM engine. The carburetor number stamped on it is 17059292 and the lower number is 0070. In the datasheet, I can only find the serial number under Mercury. Should I use this line for the baseline setting? I can't find ChrisCraft with this engine, and there's no table for GM.
  2. The overflow can only indicate a faulty or improperly adjusted float needle, right? The float is sealed and floating. Or could the mechanical fuel pump (original) be faulty here too? (Could it be delivering too much pressure?)
I would be very grateful if someone could help me here. Thank you very much!
First, the important info is year and if you have engine serial number.

The carb info is not quite as important at least not yet
Here are your settings

228 rochester 4 bbl specs.jpg
Service Manual # 3 years 1978-1984 4 cylinder inline 6 cylinder and V8"s

Service manuals show the years on the covers. Once in the manuals they will show serial numbers covered.

Soooooooooooooooooo in the future, start with year of boat/engine if original even if block was changed but peripherals are the originals!!!!