
Leak issue!


New member
I'm not sure if I'm posting this in the right section but I have an issue with a leak on my boat. I'm not familiar with technical terms so please bare with me. The section that my drain plug fits into seems to be a little dry rotted and just free spins when the plug tighten down so I think that's where it's getting in. Does anyone know the name of this inner tube that lines the hole and how I would go about fixing it? It free spins but won't pull out so I imagine its flared around the inside. Thanks for the help.
"MINWAX" makes a kit to repair rotted wood. It is simple to use and contains a wood hardner for the salvaged section and a wood filler, basically bondo, that you use to build up the area. The filler is a little thicker than thick pancake batter and starts to harden at a steady rate. You will have to make a mold/dam of thin plywood to hold it in place as it hardens...about 30 mins. Wax the inside of it so it will release...I used beeswax. You'll need to have a fill area across the top of the mold for pouring it inside. You can touch up the fill area when you remove the mold for a smooth finish...remove any wax from the repair.

Another method is to use epoxy L&L resin and any medium/fine sawdust to make a stiff putty that you shove into place w/a putty knife. You have to work w/it quickly due to set up time being quick. L&L resin comes in cool weather and warm weather types. It's a sticky job but fills all voids easily and holds the tube in place. Most boat product vendors sell it in some form. They also have a 2 part epoxy putty you can use.
Ok I found the tube I need on this site but my next question is, I noticed they were either aluminum or brass so when I put it in how do I secure it in place? Some sort of adhesive I assume? Would an adhesive really bind to a metal tube?
It requires a compression tool to install it in place after drilling a clean hole in a solid transom. Does the old one look curled on the inside? Reuse the old one and epoxy it in place.
I assume its curled on the inside because it won't pull out but it's hardto access that area from the inside so I can't be certain. The flared edge on the outside has a piece broken off cuz it's just plastic and it got a little dry rotted. I guess I'll try to epoxy it and see what happens. The leak isn't bad and the bulge pump works so its not a huge deal. It just bothers me.
The leak isn't bad and the bulge pump works so its not a huge deal.
Now...later it will be. If it is all plastic dig it out and get a new brass drain w/brass plug or a plastic one w/plug. They are available at any marine store. You'll need to repair the rot w/the kit from Minwax then install the new drain.
There doesn't appear to be any rot on the fiberglass or anything that the tube is in contact with. It's just appears to be the tube itself that's seen better days. I'll dig into it and see whats going on a little better. I appreciate your time and input guyig. I'm just kinda new to all this and don't know much. Shoulda bought a new boat. Haha
On the bright side though, this past weekend was my first time having it on the water since buying it almost a year ago. Had to do an electrical overhaul and some minor carb work but she ran great and we had a blast. My boat is a glastron Carlson with a mercury 135hp 2 stroke 6 cylinder outboard motor. It's a fast and fun little boat.
Okay...no damage to FG. Pop out the plastic sleeve and check for damage. None found...get a small package of 5 min. epoxy. Mix it up and use your finger to smear the inside of the hole where the sleeve was located. Coat it well, even and smooth. Use acetone to clean any excess off the fiberglass and you finger. Install a brass drain plug assy. Fit it and pre drill the mounting holes. Stick a bead of waterproof sealant around the edge before installing. Use brass screws for mounting it. I fill the screw hole w/sealant and then insert the screw tight. Clean off the excess.