
Ignition Control Module?


New member
I have a 318 that's having trouble idling. Went through the fuel delivery sysytem and all is good. I think the ICM went bad. All the trouble started when I discoverd the wire leading to the ICM came off due to cororsion. I re-connected it and ever since the engine will start but not run for very long. The ICM seems to get very warm.

I would like to hear if anyone has experienced this. I am going to replace the ICM but my question is can I use a automoble part or do I need to use a maranized one? The price difffernce between the two is quit signifigant. Is there danger of spark with the automobile version or are the marine parts sellers just marking these things up.

No sweat. Go to NAPA and buy another one; 30 bucks (best deal going). And use can use either a 4 or 5 pin module. They work the same.

Ditto Bill..... who's ignition system, and are we using the correct terms?
Is this an EST system and we're talking about the Ignition Control Module?
Or are we talking about the triggering unit sometimes called a module?
Sorry for my lack of knowledge on the correct terminnology. This is a small unit that sits on top of the ballest risistor. It about 2x4 inches., with one wire coming in and one wire going out. I do not have an electronic distributor, just and old school orginal distributor circa 1972. Hope this helps, thanks for your input.

Maybe you should post a picture. Sounds to me you describe a voltage regulator. Does one terminal say IGN and the other say FLD?

ElecCntrlUnit.jpgThis is an electronic control unit or some call it an ignition control module.
VoltReg.jpgAnd a voltage regulator.
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