
Gas pooled in the intake


"Hello again, This forum is ve

"Hello again, This forum is very helpful.

Should my intake manifold, under my carb. have gas pooling in it?

Also, if I put my motor in TDC #1 and then pop the distibutor cap to find the rotor button 180 out. Can I simply switch all four plug wires at that point and be back in buisness or is there something there I am missing.

This motor!! Man I can't get it right. It will only run if I spray starter fluid into the carb. So I broke the carb down and cleaned everything I could get to. I did not break it in half but I did take the top plate off: the part the flame arrestor sits on, and spray all the ports from that point. Is there somthing there I may be missing that needs cleaned? Both of the stems on top are clear. I don't think its the carb anyway.

That gas pooling in the intake does not seem right to me.

When I pull a spark plug I a hearing fire. I don't have anyone to hit the key for me while I am turning the key but I can hear it clicking.

What else..... good battery turning motor, fuel pump is pumping great, new coil-condenser-cap (which are not cheap)... let me know what you think.

Mr. El, Thanks for all the feed back. You wouldn't happen to be in FL anytime soon.... ha ha, could you stop by.... just kidding. Thanks."
Got it going..... the gas in m

Got it going..... the gas in my tank must be bad.

What can I do to solve that problem? I would hate to get rid of 35-40 gal of gas. Do I need to put some treatment in it and run it all out then fill it with etanol free gas?

Thanks for any response.
"If you suspect bad gas, remov

"If you suspect bad gas, remove the separator / filter cartridge and pour the contents into a glass jar. If there's water in the fuel, it will separate in the first few minutes. There's really nothing you can do about water in fuel after the fact.

I have an AQ130D with the similar carbureators to yours. They really like to have the internal passages soaked and cleaned thoroughly.

How did the checks on the timing advance, accelerator pumps, anti-siphon valve, and others that El recommended come out?"