
Chrysler / Force Reliability

You know I constantly hear people putting down Chrysler's & especially Force engines. It's like the automotive world where Chevy guys hate Fords and Chrysler guys hate Chevy's and so on.... I myself have never really had any issues with what I own. I always said MAINTENANCE is the key. A little grease goes a long way... If you properly maintain your engine you will get years of service out of it.

I must say though I have seen quite a few Force 120 engines with low compression so maybe these engines have an issue right from the plant. Kinda like Jeeps are known for cracked exhaust manifolds and the Ford Taurus had warped rotors back in the day and other examples. Looks like the Force 120 engine had issues? I don't know as I just recently got my hands on a 77 Chrysler 135 outboard and haven't got it out in the water as of yet. I tell you though I love the simplicity of this engine. It is probably the easiest outboard to work on I have owned yet.

I think it will give me years of enjoyment also. I just resealed the lower gear case which was a breeze. Now I am going to rebuild the carbs and fuel pump and throw on a new head gasket and torque it down, put on new fuel lines & filter and I should be set. I never thought I would own an old Chrysler engine but I found this older boat with this motor on it and had to have it. I'm sure it will turn some heads when I get it out in the water with it's style and color. I think the 135 will do me proud and push that boat down river with ease... Anyway just felt like posting something as I usually lurk in the background reading all the other stuff...

Happy boating,

If you understand motors and if you can do your own work , then the older Chryslers are not bad to own.-----------The FORCE motors were packaged with an " entry level price " and first time buyers ended up with them.--------------First time boaters often make mistakes and ruin motors !!!!