
Can't keep RPMs constant on my 1989 140 hp Evinrude


New member
I have a 140 HP Evinrude,1989. When I try to run it at around 3000 to 4000 rpms it will not stay constant. I have to keep correcting it. It seems to run great and has lots of power, almost sounds like a linkage problem.
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Engine not running.... Back the throttle off so that the cam is not touching the throttle roller.... slightly loosen the linkage that connects the throttle butterflies together.... Now, making sure that "all" throttle butterflies are completely closed, tighten the linkages.

You DO NOT want three butterflies closed and one slightly open as that will make the rpm fluctuate. This may not be your problem but it's one that will result in what you describe.
Engine not running.... Back the throttle off so that the cam is not touching the throttle roller.... slightly loosen the linkage that connects the throttle butterflies together.... Now, making sure that "all" throttle butterflies are completely closed, tighten the linkages.

You DO NOT want three butterflies closed and one slightly open as that will make the rpm fluctuate. This may not be your problem but it's one that will result in what you describe.

Thank you for your reply, I will try that tonight. I just got this boat, only had it in the water one time. Seems to run very well except for this problem. Thanks again, I will let you know if it solves my problem.
Thank you for your reply, I will try that tonight. I just got this boat, only had it in the water one time. Seems to run very well except for this problem. Thanks again, I will let you know if it solves my problem.

I haven't had a chance to try the possible fix, something about my job getting in the way. I will this weekend.