
b96 Johnson 130 dies when gunned from the start

" This engine starts easily an

" This engine starts easily and runs strong but when I open it up from idle it falls flat on it's face. If I pump the throttle as I take off it gets past the slump and scoots. Also dies when idling in gear. Any thoughts?


Mike "
"Mike.... That is a classic ex

"Mike.... That is a classic explanation of how a engine would act if the slow speed jets and passageways in the carburetors were fouled. If that engine has been sitting for a month or more at any time (a month two years ago, two months last year, six weeks this year, etc) gum, varnish, etc would build up which would eventually restrict those small passages.

" O.K. Joe. I got some OMC br

" O.K. Joe. I got some OMC brand cleaner at the boat shop. They said there is a port that it screws onto. I don't know if that will do the trick or not or if I'll have to take the carbs off. They weren't sure if this port accesses the carbs or just the combustion chambers.


Mike "
"Mike..... The port they'r

"Mike..... The port they're speaking of is on the "Fuel Primer Solenoid". That port, if your engine has one, is mainly for fogging the engine out when conditioning it for storage for the Winter months. Any thing that is run through that port is directed straight to the intake reed plates, crankshaft areas, pistons, etc etc. In short..... it DOES NOT become injected into the carburetors. And it is not a good idea to inject anything into those carburetors as the solution will most likely attack the gaskets and some other components.
