
84 75 HP mariner

Bad Monkey

New member
I picked up a 15 foot tide craft with an 84 75 HP mariner on it earlier this year. The motor is very cold blooded when in the water. It takes forever to warm up and likes to die a lot. In order to keep it running when I put it in gear, I have to slam it down full throttle than pull back right away and then I have to constantly play with the throttle to keep it going. After about 5-10 mins of moving at a slow pace I can start to accelerate until it goes. I've tried everything I can think of while on the water including letting it idle for 20-30 mins before trying to go anywhere. I'm not much of a mechanic so any help would be greatly appreciated.
There is no such thing as a motor that is " cold blooded " if it is in good condition.---------So start with a compression test.-------------Then check for spark on all 4 leads.-------------------Then again it might be as simple as opening the low speed jets 1/2 a turn.