
76 Johnson Power Trim/Tilt


New member
I was taking apart the pump on the trim/tilt to see if there was any damage to the gear drive/idler. As i was separating the two pieces I could tell their was spring tension. I looked inside and saw the springs and was careful to separate the two pieces without losing the springs. But what I didn't realize was there were small bb bearings also and one of them fell out into my catch pan. In my inspection I didn't see any issues with the gear drive/idler so I started reassembling but was not sure where the bb in the picture (red arrow) should go. I put it back together. I then filled the reservoir with oil and tested the process. It will tilt down but will not raise back up. I am suspecting that I do not have the bb(s) in the correct location. Please help!! Thank you in advance
I have downloaded a Johnson/Evinrude Outboard Shop Manual for 48-235hp 1973-1989 (includes Sea Drives). Is this sufficient or are there others that are more detailed because this one does not show anything about the pump part of the trim/tilt. Thank you for your response.