
Alignment-Frozen nuts on motor mount

Captain Quint

New member
I have a 1996 Bravo 2. Removed the outdrive and replaced the gimbal bearing, bellows, oil line, water line, everything. Putting it back together and discovered it is out of alignment. Adjusting the front motor mounts to raise the front of the engine, keeping track of the turns so as to raise both sides equally. Noticed that when I was turning the nut the motor mount bolt was turning as well on both motor mounts. Since I have been keeping track, I can turn the bolt back down to the starting point while it is still frozen together. But, what is the best way to unfreeze the two nuts. (One nut under the mount that raises and lowers it and the other on top of the mount to lock it in place) I sprayed it heavy with WD40 last night and let it soak overnight and am going back over today to try and break them loose. Is there anything I have to worry about concerning the fact that the bolt was turning and is turning it back down to the starting point an acceptable solution?
If the threaded portion is spinning the mount is bad and needs replacement. remove the bolts/lags, raise the front of the motor , remove the mounts at the engine side (3 bolts) torch off the old, install flange on engine slide in the new mounts