
Tilt/Trim issue...switch or relay?


Regular Contributor
1986 60HP Evinrude. The tilt trim motor works fine...the engine goes up and down when 12V is applied directly to blue/green wires but will not do anything when trying to operate with switch at control box. How do I determine if the problem is at the relays or switch? I suspect it is the switch as it seems unlikely both relays would fail at the same time. But it also seems odd that switch would fail. I guess I could open the control box and jump the wires inside but is there an easier way to determine what is faulty? Thanks!
I don’t know for sure but I don’t think it is uncommon for the switches to act up. If you ever worked on car window switches you’ll know that after so many years the metal contact in the switch gets black creating not a clean connection. If you scratch the contact and get the metal clean again usually the switch is fine.

my buddy bought a 130hp Yamaha and the control tilt and trim acts up. Sometimes works sometimes hardly works. I would imagine these switches are essentially the same as the car window switches and probably just need to be scratched off.
Without actually being there Phil, I would assume that, for some reason, you are not obtaining 12v at the red wire at the PTT switch.
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