
07 v max hpdi

Mikey N.C.

Advanced Contributor
What is major cause of motor , comes out hole great , then backing off to 3/4. And cruise then throttle up and no response( very little)
Now fuel/ air pressure is good ( got a $400 gauge set, just for opti an yammys hpdi's) now what's best way to find out if air/fuel regs.... Are working.
I can pinch my return lines at idle. On both motors and watch air or fuel pressure jump off scale almost. That's test I was told to check both air/fuel rail regulators. If I'm wrong please correct me.
Problem I'm having on these say 07,08,09's. Is like TPS. I'm probably wrong.
Does it tend to be injectors both air an fuel ?
Any advice would be appreciated.. Thanks
Need options.
Are you saying that your lift pump,hi pressure pump and injector pump pressure is good at 3/4 throttle and above ?