
Tohatsu m55b ignition issues


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Hi all. Just joined up.
I picked up an old m55b that my nephew originally bought and gave up on. Had it for a while and finally got time to look it over.
Has decent compression. 145 upper cylinder. 155 upper.
Doesnt seem to be getting any spark.
Have voltage at the red wires going out and comimg back from controls. Turns over fine.
I have a wiring diagram that is hard to read, but there seems to be a black and brown wire that are the "kill switch" wires and go to the cd box. I am assuming by the diagram that these need to be open or disconnected to allow the cd box to fire. Disconnecting them at the cd box doesnt make any difference. Still no spark at the plugs. Does anyone have any words of wisdom? Im thinking parts for these are going to be scarce.
Very obsolete. It it separate ignition coils, or integrated into the CD? What DVA readings do you get from the exciter and pulser?
Johnny, ill try that site. Thanks.
Paul, CD has integrated coils. Everything is sealed with no way to get in.
Any values and specific test points i should be looking for? Is there a way to test the pickup unit under the flywheel to rule that out?
Yes. You need to test the DVA outputs of the exciter and triggers, or at least run ohm tests on them, to verify whether you are getting a good signal to the CD unit. If you are, you have a bad CD. If not, changing the expensive CD will not fix it.

This motor is so obsolete that there are no longer parts catalogs for it, so beware the money pit.
Thanks Paul.
I did find an owners manual with a wiring schematic, but no parts manuals. Not even on Tohatsus site. They dont even list a 55 horse.
Would you mind giving me a little info on testing the pickups and exciter?
I assume i know what the exciter is. Small roundish and bolted to tue block slightly left and above the CD box. Has a plug in and out. Red black? and blue wires. Test it maybe with the capacitance test setting on my meter? To which wires?
Can pickups be tested with an ohm meter? Are they inductive? Which terminals (wire colors)?
The exciter coil charges the CD; the trigger coil trips it. The exciter should be in the area of 200 ohms, and the pulser about 30. Use a good Analog ohm meter, not digital. DVA for the exciter is about 135-150, for the pulser, about 5 DVA.