
"CAUTION" about engine pattern parts.

Eric Hoare

Contributing Member
I recently purchased a replacement ECU (power Pack) for my Johnson 1988 60 HP engine from America, (I live in the UK). It was advertised as a replacement to my existing one with an exact same serial number. on arrival it looked axactly like my old one so I was quite excited to fit it on my engine. Once fitted I tried to start the engine, it back fired once and didn't work. On closer inspection I found that the three pin plug from the Power Pact to the flywheel power coil did NOT marry up with the colours wise as per wiring diagram. With about 150 volts AC going into the power pack it may have damaged the internal wiring but not sure. I contacted the supply company of my detection and they, after several days, informed me that ALL their existing stock was wired the same and that they would get in touch with the manufacturer and for me to send my purchase back, which I have.
I am still awaiting the outcome of their investigation!! which all goes to show that what appears normal at a first glance does not necessarily mean that the part has been manufactured to exact specifications. So far, it is becoming a bad experience with extra costs and a longer wait to get my engine running.