
After hitting bottom, how do I tell if I did further damage?


New member
Yesterday I was wakeboarding at 20mph and hit bottom hard. Prop is bent--but how do I know if I damaged the drive shaft? Drive system vibrates heavily when driving over 5mph. Drive shaft 'appears' to spin smoothly, however? But the drive shaft does not come out of middle of the hole where it comes out of the boat. (maybe it never did??)

Is it best to take it to a mechanic instead of just trying to replace the prop and try it out carefully?
helps those of us that cant see your boat if you adequately describe what you have....

connecting the dots in your post, I'd suspect an inboard.....so you need to check the shaft. if the shaft will rotate with a constant resistance thru a complete revolution (in the water), it is probably serviceable. if its a trailer boat, you could just remove the shaft and have a prop shop check it for trueness but that may be more work depending upon the coupler.

Did the prop blades just get bent or did it suffer major impact? What is the prop made of?
Thanx for the response. Not sure what the prop is made of but it is surely too bent to repair--I hit pretty hard.

Since I am paying for insurance -- $378 to 'damage to Scheduled Property' I think I may just take it in to a shop to be repaired. I am afraid it I just replace the prop, and further damage ensues, the insurance company will not pay.
Start at the engine and work your way back. That kind of force can do a wide range of things. Damper plate on flywheel, engine/transmission alignment, shaft couplers, transmission, shaft bearings and seals. It may be cost effective to have a experienced mechanic do a complete survey for your peace of mind?