
Lower unit question

Are you sure you have examined it closely ?--------Is there an o-ring inside the hole in the cover ???----------That o-ring can be picked out and replaced without using a hammer !
I don't see anything. It just looks like a brass bushing. I scraped around a bit with a pick and all I got was brass fileings.
Nope the o-ring is in there !!!!!!!!!---------You just need to look again.----And you will no doubt see that a hammer is not required to replace the o-ring.----The replacement o-ring should be picked up from a dealer.----Or the replacement cover as they now use 2 o-rings in there.
I bought the whole lower unit seal kit. I have been looking at it from the top side. Is it on the underside or the cover? Do I have to remove the rod from the lower unit? If so, how does it come out?
I have just installed new o-rings on about 4 of these covers.---You must LOOK INSIDE THE HOLE of the cover.------The rod just screws out of the lower unit.---------But you must understand that when you install the rod it has to be adjusted correctly.
I understand it doesn't need to come out but was wondering if there was a way to tell if it needed replacing while its all apart.