
56 Ward Sea King 5 HP GG9002c - Water Tube in the Exhaust Housing Question


New member
Hello All,
Does anyone know why there is a brass (main Jet looking thing ) type incert in the copper 3/8 water tube (just above the Groment) ?
The "Jet" hole is about 1/8 inch opening to pass the water to the powerhead
In other words , the incert cuts a 3/8 flow down to a 1/8 flow

I am mostly interested in finding out how Necessary it is.
because the small hole in that incert , was obstructed with a piece of lake debri or something .
my first thoughts were that it was something to control the flow from the impeller for bubble control or something ,
ok fine, i thought untill i recieved a 1954 CD-11 exhaust housing , there is NO incert in that models pick-up tube.
So,, i am scratchen me head on this one.
I would like to drill the hole bigger so it passes debri more easyily,but figured i"d proceed slowly before drilling anything out.
Not sure what to here yet.
Any answers or thoughts on the issue be appreciated
Thompson Falls, Mt
It is a flow restrictor, to make the motor run a bit warmer. Not really necessary unless you fish in the winter time "up North" or something. I've drilled lots of them out for the same reason you stated, with no ill effects. Maybe just drill the hole a bit larger, say 3/16" or so?
It is a flow restrictor, to make the motor run a bit warmer. Not really necessary unless you fish in the winter time "up North" or something. I've drilled lots of them out for the same reason you stated, with no ill effects. Maybe just drill the hole a bit larger, say 3/16" or so?

Since i dont winter fish i am drilling it out with more confidence now Thanks Satchel