
Stupid Mistakes and How to Make them


Advanced Contributor
"About 2 weeks ago I was devel

"About 2 weeks ago I was developing a slight leak at the tangent of the heat exchanger tank and the hose fitting. Having repaired this once before I was fortunate to not have to dis-assemble the unit and remove it from the engine bellhouse area to clean and solder the piece.

It was in such a spot I could easily heat it, clean, flux and solder it. I was so eager to just solder the fitting that I failed to remove the hose leading to the coolant recovery tank and the heat from the torch, slightly melted the hose. Later on ( 1 week later) when the engine was running it was allowing expanding anti-freeze to spill out of the neck thru the melted open hose. OH! SO THAT's why my port engine ran at 140 - 160 all day while the starboard NEVER moved off od 140 +/- 4 degrees.

As the low coolant level surged in an out of the exchanger and block, you could see the temps move 3/8" on the gauge.

"good news is you didn't g

"good news is you didn't get stuck in the ocean, some federal agent didn't write you up for poluting the waterways, and its now fixed!

I think we all have had similar moments. You have to admit, it is a bit exciting to find that 'issue' and jump right on applying the fix.

After thinking about it, it is one of the benefits to 'aging'....the body just doesn't react as fast as the mind so the mind has some extra time to assess the fix-it plan and put some tweaks to it...

Hopefully, this will be the last hummbling tale you have to tell firsthand!"