
New 07 DF 250 Suzuki oil leak


New member
I have a 07 DF 250 Suzuki with

I have a 07 DF 250 Suzuki with 100 hrs on it. When I flush the engine I get an oil sheen on the surface of the water. Dipstick shows a small drop in oil level. Has anyone had a similar problem?
"No ,Was talking to a commerci

"No ,Was talking to a commercial guy last week who got 5000hrs on his DF 250,without major problems ,I run 2 on a cat so far so good only a small fuel quality issue .Start with a compression test and straight back to the dealer for that lovley warranty"
I have a 2004 Suzuki DF250. I

I have a 2004 Suzuki DF250. It has been leaking oil from day 1. I have brought it to 3 different shops four times and no one can fix it. Run the motor and oil drops. Ironically I have 2 years left on the warrantee and Suzuki will not give me a new powerhead. I don't know what to do.. Anyone in the same boat or can help or know what the problem is?
change oil and check again? th

change oil and check again? thats youre advice? WTF!!!
"fair enough, but why wouldnt

"fair enough, but why wouldnt the guy check the bolt instead of needlessly spending the $ for oil and filter? Ive been reading some of the posts on here and once in a while you actually give some good advice, most times it aint worth crap.
I appologize for being a dick but if you cant give good advice, dont give any."
"talk is cheap

bring your t

"talk is cheap

bring your tools over and prove 2 me your better, LOL

i will run circles around you like no other!!

let see

and they been seeeing pr


and they been seeeing problems wih the oil pump seal

but suzi will not tell you that

how do i know this

because im good!
"yea, you are really good, obv

"yea, you are really good, obviously way better than me. I dont plan to compete with you, I just call it as I see it. Oh yea, Ive been a mechanic since I was 20, I am now 39.... (Im not ready to accept 40 yet..)"
"I fixed a Major oil leak on

"I fixed a Major oil leak on my neighbours Searay last year ,by tightening the sump plug.That was after the dealer put a new main seal in and it still leaked .