
Carburetor float


Gerald Cromer

" I have a 1964 Evinrude 9.5 H

" I have a 1964 Evinrude 9.5 HP that the bottom of the float coating is going bad. I've been unable to locate a new float. Does anyone know what is used to seal it or where I can locate one or better yet a carb kit? I've really enjoyed reading all the questions and replys for months now. Keep up the good work guys.
Gerald K4NHN
Cayce, SC "
Hi Gearld Find a hoppy shop &

Hi Gearld Find a hoppy shop (model airplanes)
ask for hot dope. Let float dry real good before
coating Regards Tom
" Thanks Tom for the quick rep

" Thanks Tom for the quick reply. I'll take care of is as soon as the shops open back up.

Gerald K4NHN
Cayce,SC "
You should be able to get a f

You should be able to get a fuel proof dope at Toys R Us -or- Wal*Mart.