
16 volts too much


1981 v6 225 I replaced the rec

1981 v6 225 I replaced the rectifier a few weeks ago and the problem went away. Today I saw the volt gauge reading 16 v so am assuming the rectifier has gone bad. Last time aI crossed the battery leads but have had nothing apart this time. Any other ideas on what will cause these to blow?It was a serria replacement piece. Thanks
"If you are getting 16VDC, you

"If you are getting 16VDC, your rectifier is good. Check all your battery connections to be sure they are clean and tight. Have your battery load tested regardless of age and make sure it is a marine battery."
14.6 is really the highest vol

14.6 is really the highest voltage that a system should be generating at 16 you have a problem with the reg