
Johnson 175 Fresh Water Flushing Question for Joe


New member
I have a 1995 Johnson Fastrike

I have a 1995 Johnson Fastrike that is used in saltwater regularly. Is there any difference between flushing motor with ear muffs with fresh water on the bottom leg compared to flushing motor thru the flushing plug. ie will the water flush as well through a cold motor thru the top flush plug?
"Duncan.... Unfortunately I re

"Duncan.... Unfortunately I retired just about the time that setup came into being and am not too familiar with it. However, I've flushed a few of them and I prefered using the earmuff flushette method as the water flush obviously would get to the water pump first.

I haven't studied the water flow system on those engines so I can't say with authority where the water is deverted to first when using the top plug setup.

Hopefully someone will jump in here who is presently active in maintaining those engines who will correctly answer your question."