
Why the hell do people do that


Gold Medal Contributor
"They have a reasonably decent

"They have a reasonably decent boat, see, but they leave it outside, all winter, without a cover over it! I mean, what's the cost of a Wal-Mart tarp and a few 2 x 4s to hold it up, for Pete's Sake. So, the upholstery gets water-soaked, mildewed and moldy, and the wooden backing below it turns to mush. And the poor instrument panel gets a constant soaking that makes the connections back there worthless.

It makes me sick to see that, yet it happens allt he time. That poor boat was probably a decent rig at one time--most of them are--so why do people do that?

Ingnorance jeff that is all I

Ingnorance jeff that is all I can come up with.
I know my investment means alot more to me then the price of a tarp.
And laziness. Funny how people

And laziness. Funny how people will watch the boob tube for 5 hours but don't have a 1/2 hour to change their oil and filter.
"To me, someone should take pr

"To me, someone should take pride in something they own.
they'll keep their car clean, but wont bother covering their boat. Go figure"
"This is turning philosophic s

"This is turning philosophic so it wont hurt if add my bit of comment.

I see lots of people who approached to water without really knowing if they liked it and in some cases when they find it is not for them, they lose enthusiasm and stop using their boats altogether. Winter is another good excuse to forget about them."
Uh oh! I feel another winter s

Uh oh! I feel another winter season discussion coming on. Good points though.
"Well those descent rigs shoul

"Well those descent rigs should be frozen up/water logged real well about now.

Just image what we have to look forward to this summer! }When they hook on to them and plug up the launch ramps and heaven to forbid they get them started, and get 2 3 miles out on the lake and they quit and wonder why. Then expect us to pull them in."
"i find lots of folk belive th

"i find lots of folk belive that boats were made for water------- even salt water
there-for the wet in the drive wont hurt, cause thars what it was made for
