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  1. T

    1987 70hp evinrude vro will not start

    i went on vacation recently and while out on the lake my motor would not start nor would my tilt and trim motor work. i at first thought it was batteries but after inspection found that both batteries were fully charged. i then changed out the solenoid and that did not work. when i turn the...
  2. T

    1987 70 hp vro oil alarm

    when i first fire up the engine the oil alarm goes off, but if i wait 30 seconds or shift into gear it stops. Whats the deal?
  3. T

    25hp mercury 2002

    I live in Iowa unfortunaley this year we had a dam brake on Lake Delhi. i have since recovered the boat and motor. My question is will the motor be anygood? It was buried upside down in mud and sand. Any help would be appreciated