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  1. D

    Bass Boat Title Issue

    The issue is there isn't one. I found a Skeeter Bass boat with no motor that is very cheap. I'm starting to ask the seller questions and but in the ad he said there is no title. How difficult is it to get a title for a boat? Like I said I'm emailing with the seller and asking questions so...
  2. D

    Carburetor baseline settings

    I have a 59 5.5hp Evinrude Fisherman and I recently replace the impeller and thermostat. I had to remove the 3 knobs at the front and I did not note the positions they were in when I removed them. The right is easy it's either in or out, done. The middle one is tougher but the left (slow...
  3. D

    1959 Evinrude Fisherman 5.5

    I just bought my first boat and it has a very cool 1959 Evinrude 5.5hp motor. I know nothing about this motor and have never owned a 2 stroke anything before so I have a few questions... First, what is the mix ratio for the fuel and what type of oil is recommended? Second, I understand a 59...