
Thanks for the help

Ed B

New member
Thanks for the help guys. I rotated the gear to a spot where I can get about 3/16 inch of the socket on the bolt. Tommorrow, I am going to make a piece of wood to wedge between the wrench and prop housing, so it won't slip off when I start turning the drive shaft. wish me luck.


Have you determined that you have a bolt? Here is a link to a better picture of the bolt and tab washer, items 18/19:

You can see clearly that the bolt has a very thin head head. If you have ensured that the tab washer locking tab is bent away from the bolt head and you can get a 3/16" grip with the socket, you are fully contacted and should not have a problem.

I have a special socket made for holding the driveshaft at the top as I advise breaking the torque of the bolt, rather than trying to turn the driveshaft to loosen it. You only have a minimal amount of turning room at the bolt head but once the torque is broken, they are usually finger tight for removal.

What maintenance are you attempting with the driveshaft?
