
Volvo 2003T exhaust water returning to cylinder?


New member
We have a volvo 2003T with water in the oil and difficult starting symptoms suggesting water in the cylinders. Apart from head gasket problems, has anybody experienced water backing up through the exhaust system?
Having difficult starting symptoms suggests that it is not simply due to the oil cooler or/and water pump seals.
The syphon valve seems to work properly although it could be mounted not high enough above the water line. Could this induce water to trickle back when stopped?
Reading both your posts suggests you have a compression issue probably a head gasket. Yes a bad or a low anti syphon will cause back fill also extended granking with sea valve open can a cause problem.Remove exhaust elbow and pump you may be able to see a snail trail, once you remove head all will be revealed.
Head gasket will be coolant not raw water. What is in cylinders? Sounds like exhaust backing up or elbow failure. Does it "hydro lock" or spin freely when trying to start?