
First timer


Outstanding Contributor
"He just bought a new boat and

"He just bought a new boat and decided to take her for the maiden voyage.
This was his first boat and he wasn't quite sure of the exact
Standard Operating Procedures for launching it off a ramp,
but figured it couldn't be too hard.
He consulted his local boat dealer for advice, but they just said
"don't let the trailer get too deep when you are trying to launch the boat."
Well, he didn't know what they meant by that as he could barely get
the trailer in the water at all! Anyhow, here's a picture below.
Your going to love this guy!!!

Seen another version of this p

Seen another version of this photo with a sticker sayong "Obama" on the rear window.

"This just goes to show you th

"This just goes to show you that 2 stroke motors (like that nice looking OMC 90 degree looper on the back of the boat) are really what belong on the water - not the 4 stroke which is fully submerged
"This reminde me of a story i

"This reminde me of a story i read in one of our boating magazines where a boatie wanted to take the boat trailer to a nearby island,so reasoned the simplest way was to back the boat into the water,then uncouple the trailer from the vehicle,and take the trailer still strapped to the boat,much to the amusement and surprize of the local bystanders"
"The way I heard that one, the

"The way I heard that one, the "boatie" forgot to remove the trailer and asked the marina guys why his boat was so slow. The diver who came up from checking the prop was gagging with laughter!

The "Myth Busters" did an episode on this. Cool, but that show usuauly is.


PS: My wife insists that Adam Savage and I are long lost brothers for some, ah, reason."