
I have a BF8 AMLC can I put a hight thurst prop on it


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I have a BF8 AMLC can I put a

I have a BF8 AMLC can I put a hight thurst prop on it and what size would fit. Is there a chart or something to go by.
"Honda only makes one size pro

"Honda only makes one size prop for that motor. It is a 8 3/4 (P) x 9 1/2 (D). Michigan Wheel makes about 5 prop sizes for that motor. They do not make a high thrust but do have two with lower pitches. They have a 7 and an 8 pitch.

You have to be careful not to put too small a pitch on the motor so it does not overrev.

If you have a large boat that weighs a lot or if you have a lot of weight in your boat, a smaller pitch prop will help the engine run more efficiently.

The 8hp is a real work horse and can take a lot of abuse. Generally a high thrust prop has a smaller pitch and a larger diameter. I looks like your options are limited.

Here is the Michigan Wheel web site. http://www.michiganwheel.boat-props.com/?cm_guid=1-_-100000000000000235449-_-322 7814469&cm_mmc=Google_Main-_-Prop%3AGoogle%3ASouth-_-Michigan+%28Opt%29%3AProp%3 AGoogle%3ASouth-_-michigan+prop_Exact%7C-%7C100000000000000235449"