
1st start of a dry30L Merc how to do it


New member
"I've drained the winter a

"I've drained the winter anti- freeze out of the single point drain system (manifold and engine block)When I connect muffs,run water I expect to see some fresh water in the drain system. I'm afraid to start engine for fear of frying it. Can someone guide me thru this? Thanks Joe}"
what are you scared of frying?

what are you scared of frying? if you start it up on the muffs just watch for water flow and watch the temp guage to make sure it doesn't overheat. I'm assuming that its a closed water system so be sure to fill it with fresh antifreeze/coolant also
Crank up the water flow and gi

Crank up the water flow and give it a shot.
You can run an engine at idle for a minute or two with no coolant without hurting it.
YOu should see water flow out the transom assembly outlets within 1/2 minute maximum if all is working OK.

Just turn the garden hose on h

Just turn the garden hose on high w/the muffs and start the engine.
or if your talking about the e

or if your talking about the engine itself it the same as a car open the radiator cap and fill it up